Rui Correia

Rui Correia

Rui Correia


Rui has the global responsibility to deliver the education suite of the Association since 2018, with a focus on enhancing the knowledge and competence of professionals in wholesale financial markets, both on the markets and products expertise, and also on the promotion and implementation of good market practices through globally-acnowledged Industry Codes of Conduct.

He has spent the first 25 years of his career working in dealing rooms, having had roles in trading, structuring and sales in internationally recognised financial institutions, in London, Madrid and Lisbon. From 2014 onwards, Rui became a Certified Trainer in financial markets, working primarily on the delivery of MiFID II related training to several market participants in Iberia.

With a Masters in Finance, Rui believes that education is absolutely key for the development of all professionals working in the industry, both to develop their skills on the markets structure, but also to enhance the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct which are essential for the sound functioning of financial markets.

Considering that continuous education supports the effective adherence to good market practices in financial markets, Rui has delivered several presentations, organised workshops, training sessions and participated in debates on those subjects. He was also a member of the Buy-Side Outreach Working Group of the Global Foreign Exchange Committee and is frequently engaging with Regulators and Market Participants on how to implement those Industry Codes of Conduct in their internal processes and procedures.

Contact info

  • Company: ACI Financial Markets Association